In accordance with the recommendations and guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), the university has taken steps to limit the spread of COVID-19, but the health and safety of the community depends upon all its members accepting the shared risk associated with the disease.
There are inherent risks associated with participating in university required, sanctioned or voluntary activities on or off campus. It is not possible for the university to limit all potential sources of COVID-19 infection. Individuals must rely on their own judgment in assessing the safety of, or risks associated with, participating in university activities.
Further, campus community members must understand that campus safety in respect to COVID-19 is a shared risk and that everyone must do their part to contribute to the health and safety of the community.
To that end, the university has implemented certain policies and procedures intended to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19. The university may update or revise these protocols at any time in response to new information, recommendations or guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH).
Please consult the Bridgewater State University COVID-19 website for additional information.
Working together, we can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 while ensuring a rich academic experience for every member of the university community.
COVID-19 primary series vaccination is required for all students for the 2022-2023 school year. Students may request a religious or medical exemption as provided by state and federal law.