Off-campus travel can be an important learning tool for students and the university supports student off-campus trips. However, these trips must be planned and conducted in ways that promote the safety of student participants. The university must also operate within state liability guidelines.
All Registered Student Organization travel and off-campus events must be registered and approved through the Center for Student Engagement in accordance with campus policies for off-campus events and campus requirements for all student groups to register their activities, as outlined in the Student Organization Handbook, regardless of how the expenses for the trip are being funded. Only Bridgewater State University students may participate in student organization sponsored trips, unless participation by faculty, staff, and authorized guests is approved through the event registration process. Alcohol will not be permitted on buses or other vehicles on university trips.
All overnight trips must be coordinated in a way to assure the safety and privacy of all students in attendance. When considering sharing of rooms, the organization or university official overseeing the trip, should make reasonable accommodations for students upon request.
For specific information regarding off-campus events, please consult with the staff in the Center for Student Engagement.
Revised 8/2023 by Christina McCauley, Executive Director, Center for Student Engagement and Matt Miller, Director, Center for Student Engagement