NOTE: All room reservations must be an associated with an academic unit, administrative department or recognized student organization.
Guidelines apply to the use of any university buildings, grounds, classrooms, etc. Reservations for use of any part of the campus (buildings or grounds) for non-class purposes must be made through the University Events (UE) office in Rondileau Student Union, room 200. All requests for space for class purposes must be processed through the Office of the Registrar.
Reservations are actually "requests for use of facilities" until approved. All reservation requests should be made via EMS Web App, BSU’s online reservation system. The EMS Web App can be accessed on the BSU intranet through the University Events or Services Page. Please keep in mind the facilities you book for programs should be accessible to those with disabilities. You may be required to provide sign-language interpreters for the program at your expense should such services be requested by someone attending the program. Individuals planning programs/events should work with University Events and the Student Accessibility Office to ensure those needing services understand how to request them.
All events would be categorized as Tier I, II or III. Tier I events are those defined by the University Administration as fundamental to the core mission of the institution. Tier II events re-occur annually and are consistently scheduled at predictable times of the year based on their purpose or audience. Tier III includes all events not classified as Tier I or II. Generally they will be scheduled on a first-come/first-served basis after Tier I and Tier II events have been scheduled. These Tiers are reviewed annually to make any necessary adjustments.
Upon approval of the request, a member of the University Events staff will contact the program sponsor to discuss the program and ensure that all necessary details are arranged. UE can provide you with a wide range of assistance in planning your event from initial planning to final execution. University Events coordinates the efforts of University offices and contractors to provide event support including room setup; event related and other technical support; production, audio and lighting services, equipment movement or rental; catering; security services; parking; and custodial services. Advance notice is required to provide most services, so please plan accordingly. Some charges apply for materials used in some services. Contact the University Events office at 508.531.6139 for further details.
Depending upon the type of program you are planning, services may be required that also involve labor charges. As the program sponsor, you are expected to build these charges into your budget. The University Events staff may provide assistance in arranging for food services that can be billed to the sponsor directly by the campus food service company. Contact the University Events office at 508.531-6139 or for additional details in implementing your program. More information is also available on the University Events Website. Student organizations should contact their Center for Student Engagement contact.
Updated 8/2024 by Daniel McHugh, Director, University Events