This procedure explains how students may indicate their "First Name in Use" in student records. BSU employees who are also students may use the first First Name in Use option as described below. 

BSU is pleased to offer a First Name in Use option to students who wish to be known by a first name other than their legal first name on class rosters, grade lists, ID cards, Blackboard, student email addresses, when entering residence halls, and other instances. Not all BSU systems, however, have this option.  For example, degree audits use students’ legal names and Student Employment requires identification that indicates legal name. Other federal reporting requirements require the University to use students’ legal names. BSU has established procedures which would allow you, if you so desire, to use a first name different than your legal first name on certain University records:

  • You can indicate your first name in use on your application for graduation (i.e., Degree Application). The name you indicate on that application will be used on your diploma, in the commencement brochure, and will be the name called when you walk across the stage during the commencement ceremony.
  • You can change your first name on class rosters and grade lists.
  • You can get a new Connect ID card with your first name in use, if you change it on class rosters and grade lists first.
  • You can change how your name is displayed to email recipients and in the global address book to display your first name in use.
  • You can have your first name in use listed in Blackboard, if you update it in your student record first.

If you change your first name in use for the above purposes, that does not change your legal name with BSU, and ALL other University records will still reflect your legal name. Examples of records showing legal names are such things as transcripts, degree audits, financial records, W-2 forms, newspaper articles, enrollment data, financial aid documents and mailing information. To change the name on these records, you must make a legal name change and then inform the University.

To change your first name on class rosters and grade lists (this will also change your email display name in the Global Address List)

  • Log into Infobear using your User Name and Password
  • Click Personal Information on the Main Menu
  • Click Update Preferred First Name.  Enter your first name and click the Update Name button.

To obtain a new Connect card bearing your first name in use:

  • First, update your Name in Use in Infobear as shown above.
  • Go to the Parking Services and Connect Card Office in Room 001, Hunt Hall (ground floor). If you are a continuing student, bring your old Connect Card. If you are a new student who has not yet been issued a Connect Card, bring a driver's license or passport.
  • Tell the Connect Card Office you have changed your first name through Infobear and want a new ID card showing your new first name. They will look you up and verify the change of first name. They will issue you a new Connect Card reflecting the change in your first name.
  • If you already have a Connect Card, you will be required to turn it in. There is no fee unless you already have a Connect Card but do not turn it in.

To change your preferred name in Blackboard:

  • First, update your Name in Use in Infobear as shown above.
  • Next, log into Blackboard
  • Click on your name above the myBSU tab, to pop-up the Global Navigation Menu
  • Click the Settings tab
  • Click the Personal Information link
  • Click the Edit Personal Information link
  • Edit the First Name field and click the Submit button

Reviewed 8/2024 by Joseph Wolk, Registrar