1.  Purpose

This policy regulates gambling and bookmaking on campus or as part of any university activities, in an effort to enforce the law and provide a safe and secure learning and working environment for the university’s students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

2.  Applicability

This policy covers all Bridgewater State University students, faculty, staff, vendors, contractors, visitors, volunteers, and all other affiliated or non affiliated persons.

3.  Policy

Bridgewater State University community members and others must abide by all federal and state laws and university policies concerning gambling and bookmaking.

The following forms of gambling or bookmaking are prohibited on university property or as part of any university activities:

  • Betting on, wagering on, or selling pools on any athletic event, whether professional or amateur; or betting on brackets, fantasy leagues, video game tournaments, or internet gambling.
  • Possessing on one’s person (or in a room, car, etc.) any card, book, or other device for registering bets.
  • Using or knowingly permitting the use of one’s premises, computer, telephone, or other electronic communication device for illegal gambling.
  • Knowingly receiving or delivering a letter, package, parcel, or electronic communication related to illegal gambling.
  • Offering, soliciting, or accepting a bribe to influence the outcome of an athletic event.
  • Involvement in bookmaking with respect to sporting events or games of chance.
  • Playing cards or other games of chance for money.
  • Participation in unauthorized raffles or lotteries.
  • Any similar acts of gambling or betting, as those terms are commonly understood or as identified under Massachusetts or federal law.

In addition to the restrictions listed above, Athletics Department staff members and student-athletes must adhere to NCAA regulations, and are therefore prohibited from participating in any sports gambling activities, whether on- or off-campus, concerning any intercollegiate or professional athletics team or competition on any sport in which the NCAA sponsors a championship in any Division.  Moreover, university employees may not gamble while on duty regardless of location.  These prohibitions apply without regard to whether the activities are legal under federal or state laws.

The university may hold, or authorize others to hold, non-cash gaming events (such as casino nights) for fundraising or other legal purposes.  These events must be approved in advance by the university’s Vice President for Student Affairs or other designated university officials. The sponsoring organization must complete required reports and obtain appropriate licenses for any legal gaming activities at university functions.

4.  Resources for Problem or Compulsive Gambling

The university recognizes that individuals engaging in gambling, including legal gambling on lotteries, at dog or horse tracks and casinos, may develop compulsive gambling behaviors that can adversely affect their lives and academic career.  In particular, there has been a growing concern about gambling among youth and university students.

Compulsive gambling is a progressive behavior disorder in which an individual has a psychologically uncontrollable preoccupation and urge to gamble. This results in excessive gambling, the outcome of which is loss of productive time and money. Unless treated, the gambling will reach the point where it compromises, disrupts, and then destroys the gambler’s personal life, family relationships, and school and vocational pursuits.

University community members are encouraged to seek help for themselves or others in need of assistance by contacting one or more of the following offices or organizations:


  • Division for Student Life office – Boyden Hall - 508-531-1276
  • Counseling Center – Weygand Hall – 508-531-1331
  • Residence Life and Housing – DiNardo Hall – 508-531-1277

Off Campus:

  • Mass Council on Compulsive Gambling, 1-800-426-1234
  • Gamblers Anonymous, 1-617-338-6020


5.  Sanctions

Violations of the law or of this policy may be grounds for criminal prosecution and referral for university disciplinary action.

6.  Policy Questions or Concerns

Questions or concerns about this policy should be directed to the chief of the Bridgewater State University Police Department or his or her designee.

Reviewed 8/2024 by Marybeth Lamb, Athletics