In case of fire, get out quickly and calmly, find a safe area, and call 911

Remain outside of the building until given permission to re-enter by police staff.

Tampering with fire alarms, fire evacuation direction cards, smoke detectors or firefighting equipment or tampering with fire alarms causing false alarms will result in disciplinary action and criminal charges. Person(s) found responsible for such conduct will be held liable for all expenses incurred as a result of their action. University officials reserve the right to evacuate any building or facility for emergency reasons. Failure to evacuate or to cooperate with university emergency personnel will result in disciplinary action and criminal charges.

Emergency Response

For police, fire, or emergency medical response, dial 911 from any campus phone, or 508.531.1212 from any cellular phone, TTY 508.531.6111

In case of emergency:

Stay with the injured or ill person. Do not leave them alone.

  • If possible, call or ask another person to call the police at 911 or 508.531.1212. The caller should give their name, the nature of the emergency, the name and exact location of the injured or ill person.
  • If the person's life is in danger, administer first aid until the police arrive. Always use a barrier, such as gloves, when coming in contact with blood or bodily fluid.

Reviewed 8/2024 by David Tillinghast, University Police