Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), most information about a student in Bridgewater State University records is considered confidential. Generally, with certain exceptions, information from those records may not be released to a student’s parents or guardians without the student’s written consent.  For further information, please see Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Students may authorize the University to release information to their parents by completing an authorization form available here.

Please note that without this authorization, the University’s ability to disclose information from a student’s records will be significantly restricted.  We urge students to inform their parents and/or guardians of this fact if they decide not to execute the authorization form.

Finally, please note that neither FERPA nor receipt of an authorization requires the University or its employees to disclose information.  Any disclosure will be at the University’s sole discretion.  The University generally communicates directly with students regarding all matters related to the University and their activities.

Reviewed 8/2024 by Joseph Wolk, Registrar Office